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HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO SELL MY HOME?A traditional real estate brokerage (insert name-brand brokerage here) will charge you 6% of the sale price of your home, for representing you as your selling broker during the transaction. This traditional commission structure predates.....Zillow, Amazon, the Internet, Neil Armstrong's moon get where we're going. At APRE we have modernized the fee for selling your home to be more representative of the services provided in today's world. We like to think of this as a fair way of doing business. Below we will compare our business model with that of our competitors so that you can see how much money you save when you sell with APRE.
WHAT SHOULD I DO TO GET MY HOME READY TO SELLSo you've decided to sell your home. Now what do you do? This is a question that many homeowners are faced with. Should we replace the carpets that are badly matted? Should we update the kitchen that hasn't been touched in twenty years? Should we have our home freshly painted? We are asked these questions all the time. As with mostly everything else that applies to buying and selling homes, there is a process that should be followed. ​ 1. Have your agent give you the value (or expected market price) of your home in the condition it is currently in. The value might surprise you and you may be satisfied with just moving forwar "as-is". If the value is considerably lower than what you might want or need, then start introducing some value adding ideas. ​ 2. Start small. Some low cost, high return ideas are fresh paint, fresh mulch on the landscaping, things of that nature. Think of some things that you can address on your own, without the help of a professional, to save on those costs. Of course, the work needs to look well-done, so in some areas where you may not be confident in the result, perhaps consulting a professional is a good idea. ​ 3. If money must be spent on invasive updating it is highly advisable that an in depth cost/return analysis be done by both the seller and the seller's agent. Remodeling kitchens and bathrooms, and replacing carpets and flooring will be expensive. Make sure there will be a return on these monies spent. ​ A mentor once said "If you're going to put one dollar in and get two dollars out, that's a good deal! If you're only going to get one dollar back out....why go through the trouble?" This is excellent advice, and this question should be asked at every instance where money will be spent on the home once selling has been decided.
WHAT IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR TO SELL A HOUSE?Selling your home is possible during any time of the year. But you're most likely asking this question because you want to understand when selling your home may be easier, faster, and most profitable. Generally, selling your home during the spring and summer is the time of the year that will help you the most with all three. Rolling into the fall and winter, home sales historically slow down. Referencing a study from ATTOM data, selling your home in May, June, and July are the ideal months of the year to maximize your profitability. Selling your home in June will increase your home sale value by %9.2, and homes sold in May increase your home sale value by %7.4, on average. In addition to the season and month that your home is sold, there is actually data that shows what day in particular to list your home. Referencing a study by Redfin, listing your home on Thursday will help you sell your home for more money and at a faster pace than any other day of the week. ​ Everyone's circumstances are different and meeting these optimal time frames may not be possible for you. The good news is that APRE will guide you to more profitability, and on a timeline that works for you, so that no matter your circumstance you can achieve the best possible outcome.
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